marți, 7 decembrie 2010

Treyarch pregateste un nou patch pentru Black Ops

Treyarch vrea sa ne demonstreze ca tine cont de feedback-ul gamer-ilor si a anuntat pe forumul oficial ca pregateste un nou patch pentru Call of Duty: Black Ops. Acesta va fi cel mai consistent patch de pâna acum, dar nu si ultimul, dupa cum promit producatorii. Din pacate, înca nu a fost comunicata o data de lansare, dar speram sa vina cât mai repede.

O parte din problemele pe care le va reyolva acest patch gasiti mai jos. Pentru lista completa dati un click aici.

- Added an option to create shaders during load time. This fixes hitching when viewing a new area of the map for the first time on some video cards.
- Incomplete server browser results.
- Improvements to Quickmatch results (with better ping and reduced lag)..
- /connect
- /reconnect
- Improved threading performance on computers with only 2 cores.
- Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations.
- Increased reserved slots to 9.
- Improvements to the spawn system to resolve an issue where negative spawn influencers from specific game events were not always being deleted after the danger had cleared – in some matches, this was causing good spawns to be erroneously flagged by the game as bad spawns, which in turn forced actual bad spawns to get selected later in the match
- Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
- Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions

View the original article here

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